Friday, July 25, 2008

I Used to Hate Them

Who? The Jonas Brothers.
Why? Because I thought they look foolish and they're trying hard to be famous rockers.

My 14 year old cousin kept on bugging me to buy her JoBros products. I bought the Baby Bottle Pops because the JBs were endorsing them for her. Recently, I also purchased magazines with them on the cover. I guess this is what you call obsession. She even wanted some jewelry from their line.

So, I've been reading their stories in the magazines and I just realized that they have their own right to be popular, to be an icon. Nicholas started it all at an early age. The rest was history. They worked hard to deserve it. And I think I "kinda" like them now. BUTTT... I'm not an obsessed fan. Not to the point that I'll buy every JB thing I spot. No posters or concerts. I think I'm over that phase now. I guess I'm too old for that. I was one of those who danced and sang with the hits "BYE, BYE, BYE" and "QUIT PLAYING GAMES WITH MY HEART." Oh, the good old days! I quite understood my little cousin, Bianx. Probably every girl [even boys] goes through this idol addiction stage. I still am... with Parokya... and will forever be.

Here's one of the Target commercials which really made me change my mind:

