The last week of November marks the Thanksgiving holiday for the American communities. Thanksgiving? What the hell is Thanksgiving? That was my question a year ago. Although I've heard and had seen it on television and movie screens, I only had a little idea about it. I still didn't get the real sense of it. Last year, we did nothing extra-ordinary. Maybe because my family was just new here and that we were almost near to hating and leaving this country. Things changed and we are still here, so might as well celebrate it, too, along with other relatives who are also here and are accustomed to this tradition already.
Remember Pocahontas? The one from Disney? It's almost a close view to what it is about. But you know how Disney makes it a bit fictional right? So history books are more accurate and true. Basically, it's about the Pilgrims from Europe that came to the land of the native American Indians.
To celebrate the bountiful harvest and victorious battles they won, they had a feast where they brought the finest roasted turkey with gravy or cranberry sauce, pumpkin pies, mashed potatoes, and wine.
Actually, the first celebration in 1621 wasn't as glamorous, they only had corns, lobsters and gooses. It just improved to the modern feast people know today as years passed by. Although it is still a big question if native Americans really want to celebrate this holiday, it still goes on for years.
So what really is Thanksgiving?
It's not all about poultry, or the other expensive dishes. Not about the clear wraps, foils and the leftovers. Neither the afternoon football games nor sleepy heads of hard working people. Not all about a long weekend vacation and not about the huge mall sales the day after. It is about the gathering of families and celebrating an important event in this country. It is reconnecting with loved ones, uniting this nation and appreciating how much blessings we should be thankful for.
Why is it bigger than Christmas?
It is bigger because not everybody here is a Christian, but almost everyone, whatever religion they are, celebrates Thanksgiving. People actually look forward to this event more than Christmas. I'm always asked, what will I do for Thanksgiving not what will I do for December 25th? It's really hard to explain unless you're here, but I know you kinda see the picture.
Thanksgiving "Pindoy" Style
My Indo friends and my other Pinoy Friend had our little pre-Thanksgiving celebration at Amanda's place. I brought the famous Filipino Magic Sing and the rest was history. Sorry guitar hero, karaoke time! Pictures are not in order. I'm not sure if I have pictures of everyone who was there though.
Shop Till You Drop
I know Thanksgiving is all about being grateful and appreciative and knowing that is what counts, but have you ever heard of Black Friday? Well, since thanksgiving falls on a long weekend vacation and people don't come to school or work, mall owners take advantage and use it as a big shopping event. Talk about money making strategies! A girl like me can't resist s-h-o-p-p-i-n-g. This day also serves as the beginning of Christmas shopping. It was started by Macy's Mall during the 20's and later on had acquired the name Black Friday. I don't know why, but it is called that way. Perhaps it is because of the chaotic shopping spree and the heaviest TRAFFIC jam someone will ever encounter over the year. Think I'm kidding? No way. It was really absurd. People even camped out outside stores just to get the best bargains early in the morning. I got free shopping from my Titas and my Lola, but I didn't get to buy myself a laptop. They were selling it for less than half the price as early as 4 a.m. It was too late when I found out. I'm never a morning person and our family celebration ended at 2 a.m. I'd probably wait till next year. How was your Thanksgiving?